Sunday, March 13, 2011

Thanks for a GREAT Opening Weekend!

Opening weekend exceeded our expectations!  Oz played to nearly full houses for both evening shows, and there were just a few open seats during the matinee.  Thank you all for your support!

We've received a number of nice e-mails including this lovely message from the Wicks Family:

Congratulations on an AMAZING opening night!  What an incredible journey my family and I had with you down the yellow brick road last night. Your outstanding performance is a testament to months of hard work, creativity, determination, cooperation and collaboration from so many. Performing arts, visual arts and music in alliance for a spectacular show. I'm finding it hard to express all I want to say in this I sat in the capacity filled audience last night I was in awe of the production unfolding in front of me. Top-notch theatre at Averill Park that exceeded my expectations!

I'm sure there are elements/groups I missed and didn't even know about from a behind-the-scenes aspect. But I thank you all....

Talented performers, backstage crew executing flawless scene changes, stage managers, props and visual media that brought the show to a new level, sound and lighting, choreography, incredible 3rd graders with amazing teachers, pit orchestra and Mr. Zaffuts, costume designer and seamstresses, scenic design which was fabulous, acting and musical direction which came together for wonderful performance, and all the "helpers" of any kind who helped make this show a success.

Thank you for a wonderful evening of arts entertainment!  

In addition, after the matinee the cast and crew met with Laura Andruski, an adjudicator from the Theatre Association of New York State (TANYS).  Ms. Andruski, who is also Education Coordinator at Capital Rep (support their shows!),  had many positive things to say about our WOz, and we look forward to reading her notes in full.  She recognized the quality of our ensemble work, costumes, choreography and tech in her discussion of the show.

If you haven't made it to see the show, you still have a chance this upcoming weekend!  Tickets will be available at the door for all three shows, Friday night and the Saturday matinee and evening performances.  Doors open at 6:15 for the evening shows and 1:15 for the matinees.

In addition, our final dress rehearsal on Thursday at 3pm will be open to senior citizens free of charge.  If you have a community group that would like to join us at that time, please contact us via the blog or at and we'll see if we can seat you.

Thank you again for your support, and please support all the arts in the Averill Park Schools!  You may have heard that many teachers and virtually all non-sports extracurricular programs were cut from the initial draft of the Superintendent's budget.  We hope that situation will change, but it won't unless you reach out to the governor,  your state legislators, and our local politicians and school board members to let them know that that we need to save the arts.

Monday, March 7, 2011

It's Show Week! (and ANOTHER Snow day)

Only three rehearsals to show time, and we're on our seventh snow day.  Thanks to the hard work of dedicated Ozzians, we are just about set.  There will be no rehearsal today (Monday, March 7) thanks to Glinda's snow spell, but we'll be back on track tomorrow.

We still need ushers for the shows, so if you have a friend who can help out, let Peter Keller or Ms. Lossi know.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Rehearsal Schedule... Look Below for All Newer Posts About the Show

This is is folks- the full schedule up until the show dates.  Review it and contact me with questions.  If you see conflicts please let me know ASAP!
Click on the pages to see the full size versions.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Sorry for the lack of updates!

But we've been working away between the storms...

Our fabulous weather has put us a over a week behind, but we're making up ground quickly.  Most of the set pieces are close to finished, the dances are choeographed and we're working to tighten it all up.  The costumes are starting to trickle in and look super!

Best of all, the munchkins are looking (and sounding) great.

So, here's the news and a few schedule adjustments:
Next week (2/14-18) we will run the full show on Monday and Thursday.  Wednesday will be a munchkin day with Poestenkill. Tuesday will be touch up and polish for dances and songs, and Friday an all hands on deck day for sets and costumes.

During February break we will be doing a 9-12 run-through on Tuesday, and dance touch ups on Thursday.  Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday will all be set and costume work days from 9-3pm.  Any parents out there who are available to come in and help during those February break days are more than welcome!

Friday, January 21, 2011

OK, Enough with the Snow Already!

So the good news is that this Thursday was quite a productive day: the Emerald City and Munchkinland sets are well under way, the Yellow Brick Road is progressing nicely, the poppies are being constructed, the Gale Farmhouse is framed up, the lights are (mostly) working, more new bulbs arrived, Merry Old Land of Oz is almost choreographed and the Tinman costume is started.  What a busy day!

Thank you to Mrs. Long for helping out with construction & supervision.

And the bad news is we have another snow day today.

So therefore we have some minor revamping of the schedule:
Monday 1/24 and Tuesday 1/25 will both be all cast & crew days for sets and dancing.  On Tuesday we may try to have the cast run all the music beginning to end with the band if Mr. Zaffuts thinks its time and we have finished "Merry Old L.o. Oz" and "The Jitterbug."

Construction folks, it's all hands on deck for you!  Our goal is to get all the building done in just two more weeks!  Please plan on putting in a day during Regents exams if you have time.  See me and your crew chiefs to figure out what days work best.

Thanks to all for your hard work and support.  We can always use helpers, so come join in the fun!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Snow and Sleet and Ice, Oh My!

Can you believe the weather?  To top it off there are predictions of more for tomorrow.  Yipes!

We are asking everyone to attend rehearsal today, Thursday 1/20, so we can work on dances together.  We will do the same tomorrow should the weather forcasts (hopefully) be wrong.

Tech folks should come to work on the sets since those are now behind as well.  We really need to get building!

That said, things are progressing.  A HUGE thank you goes out to Mr. Dunston for spending most of MLK day helping hang the new lights, and yesterday's late call on the snowday allowed yours truly to spend the day her patterning out the Tinman's costume.  Principals spent MLK day working with our intrepid choreographers Mikayla and Emily getting dances down.

We are rolling along.  Everyone who has downtime during our three regents days should plan on coming in to work on sets.  See me in 172 to lmk what time you'll be here.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Parent Volunteers for Sets Needed

If there are a few adults out there who can join us to help construct the sets we would really appreciate it.  Most set work is directly after school from 2:30-5:30, although occasional evenings and weekend days will be added if necessary.

We have five set units: Kansas, the Forest, Munchkinland, Emerald City, and Witch Castle.  Each is headed and manned (personed?) by students.  It would be beneficial if some additional adult assistance and supervision joined the groups.

If you can operate a drill, saw, utility knife, or paintbrush we can use your help.  Contact Mr. McKeeby c/o the blog or at APHS if you would like to join in.