Friday, January 21, 2011

OK, Enough with the Snow Already!

So the good news is that this Thursday was quite a productive day: the Emerald City and Munchkinland sets are well under way, the Yellow Brick Road is progressing nicely, the poppies are being constructed, the Gale Farmhouse is framed up, the lights are (mostly) working, more new bulbs arrived, Merry Old Land of Oz is almost choreographed and the Tinman costume is started.  What a busy day!

Thank you to Mrs. Long for helping out with construction & supervision.

And the bad news is we have another snow day today.

So therefore we have some minor revamping of the schedule:
Monday 1/24 and Tuesday 1/25 will both be all cast & crew days for sets and dancing.  On Tuesday we may try to have the cast run all the music beginning to end with the band if Mr. Zaffuts thinks its time and we have finished "Merry Old L.o. Oz" and "The Jitterbug."

Construction folks, it's all hands on deck for you!  Our goal is to get all the building done in just two more weeks!  Please plan on putting in a day during Regents exams if you have time.  See me and your crew chiefs to figure out what days work best.

Thanks to all for your hard work and support.  We can always use helpers, so come join in the fun!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Snow and Sleet and Ice, Oh My!

Can you believe the weather?  To top it off there are predictions of more for tomorrow.  Yipes!

We are asking everyone to attend rehearsal today, Thursday 1/20, so we can work on dances together.  We will do the same tomorrow should the weather forcasts (hopefully) be wrong.

Tech folks should come to work on the sets since those are now behind as well.  We really need to get building!

That said, things are progressing.  A HUGE thank you goes out to Mr. Dunston for spending most of MLK day helping hang the new lights, and yesterday's late call on the snowday allowed yours truly to spend the day her patterning out the Tinman's costume.  Principals spent MLK day working with our intrepid choreographers Mikayla and Emily getting dances down.

We are rolling along.  Everyone who has downtime during our three regents days should plan on coming in to work on sets.  See me in 172 to lmk what time you'll be here.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Parent Volunteers for Sets Needed

If there are a few adults out there who can join us to help construct the sets we would really appreciate it.  Most set work is directly after school from 2:30-5:30, although occasional evenings and weekend days will be added if necessary.

We have five set units: Kansas, the Forest, Munchkinland, Emerald City, and Witch Castle.  Each is headed and manned (personed?) by students.  It would be beneficial if some additional adult assistance and supervision joined the groups.

If you can operate a drill, saw, utility knife, or paintbrush we can use your help.  Contact Mr. McKeeby c/o the blog or at APHS if you would like to join in.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Songs for Next Wednesday's Woodshed with the Swingest Pit Band Ever

Mr Zaffuts, hep-cat extraordinaire, lets us know that next Wednesday we will be working the following songs with the band.  Numbers corresdpong to song numbers in your book:
Act 1:
Munchkinland 9
Munchkin sequence 11
Yellow Brick road 14
We're Off to See... duet 17
We're Off to See... trio 21
We're Off to See... quartet 23a

Entre'acte voices 26
Merry Old Land 28
Merry Old Reprise 29
King of the Forest 30
Winkies 34
Jitterbug 36
Winkies 40
Winkies 40A

Piano CDs Available for Loan

All cast & band members: there are ten sets of the piano score on CD available for you to sign out for practice.  They are in room 172 and can be signed out for one night only since we are sharing them.  Put it on your iPod or computer and sing to you heart's content.

The tracks are (by number from the score):
Disc 1
1.  1,2
2.  3
3. 4, 5
4. 7
5. 8,9
6. 10,11,12
7. 12a-12d
8. 13,14,15
9. 16
11. 18
12. 19
13. 20
14. 21,22
15. 23,24

Disc 2
1. 26a, 26b, 27
2. 28, 29, 29a
3. 30, 30a, 30b
4. 31, 31a, 32, 33
5. 34, 34a, 34b, 35
6. 36, 37
7. 38,39,40
8. 40a, 41
9. 42, 42a
10. 43,44,45
11. 45a, 45b, 45c, 45d
12. 46, 46a,46b,47
13. 48
14. 49
15. 50

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

New Lights have arrived!

Just a quick thank-you to the fine folks of the Averill Park Education Foundation!  Their grant to the HS theatre program allowed us to purchase some much needed new lighting, which arrived today.  Our system had minor electrical updates in the late 80's and was never stocked with its full complement of electrics.  Our shows have been adequately lit, but now we can really make Oz gleam!

Thank you APEF!  Please visit their site and consider joining:

Monkeys are coming!

Ms. Malone, our flying monkey master, just sent  this great photo of monkey heads in progress, courtesy of Ms. Wager's art class.  The class is creating heads for the terrifyingly fantastic monkeys that will swoop out into the audience.  They are great, and we thank everyone for their hard work!

Monday, January 3, 2011


Because many of the cast & band are involved in the NHS rehearsal this week we cannot run the songs on Wednesday.  Consequently we need to cancel the sing through.  We will have our first band/cast workout next Wednesday.

More Great Costume Images!