Friday, February 11, 2011

Sorry for the lack of updates!

But we've been working away between the storms...

Our fabulous weather has put us a over a week behind, but we're making up ground quickly.  Most of the set pieces are close to finished, the dances are choeographed and we're working to tighten it all up.  The costumes are starting to trickle in and look super!

Best of all, the munchkins are looking (and sounding) great.

So, here's the news and a few schedule adjustments:
Next week (2/14-18) we will run the full show on Monday and Thursday.  Wednesday will be a munchkin day with Poestenkill. Tuesday will be touch up and polish for dances and songs, and Friday an all hands on deck day for sets and costumes.

During February break we will be doing a 9-12 run-through on Tuesday, and dance touch ups on Thursday.  Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday will all be set and costume work days from 9-3pm.  Any parents out there who are available to come in and help during those February break days are more than welcome!