Saturday, June 12, 2010

How Far Out Should We Go?

WOz is a classic, and when folks come to see it they expect to experience a live version of the MGM film. No matter that film and theatre are different creatures; if Dorothy isn't wearing the blue gingham dress, there may be a riot. Here's a question for anyone out there reading: how far away from MGM dare we go? As a director, I don't want to reproduce someone else's work. I'd rather try to help folks to see a classic through a new set of lenses. On the other hand, most folks are pretty conservative when it comes to their childhood favorites. Certainly sets and costumes are places to play around a bit. I'm also interested in creative use of our space. One of the students noted that our stage is about 1/3 the size of a few other schools in the area. How might we push out beyond the apron and into the house without overwhelming the band, the audience, or the budget?


  1. I like it when the cast performs some of the dialogue off the main stage or amoung the audience. It makes me feel like I am part of the performance. It might make sense to have small groups of munchins throughout the house.

  2. Will upper classmen get the lead roles?

  3. Great idea, but what about Algonquin? Is this going to affect their musical (usually the same weekend)?
