Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Munchkin Costume Info for Parents

Dear Munchkin Parents-
Thank you for joining us on our trip down the Yellow Brick Road! We hope the process is both rewarding and educational for everyone involved. This note is just and introductory FYI message covering a few costume details. After the holiday break a more detailed volunteering list and schedule will be forwarded to you.

Please note that the full production schedule showing the rehearsals and shows is available online at You can use to see which days your munchkins will be at the high school. Those are the days we will be needing supervisory assistance, so you can do some advance planning before the sign up information is available.

Lori Lossi, our Assistant Director and Costume Coordinator has the following information for you regarding dressing the munchkins:

Costumes for Munchkins:


*bright, solid-color turtleneck shirt

*sweatpants in black or white (fitted so that we can roll up the bottoms to the knee to make "knickers"). In lieu of sweatpants, black or white shorts may be worn.

*brightly colored knee socks (not matching the shirt, necessarily)

*Footwear should be dress shoes in either black or brown

The 3 boys who will be the "Lollipop Guild" should match, so please coordinate with other parents.


*bright, solid-color tee shirt

*short skirt in black or white

*brightly colored tights (not matching the shirt, necessarily)

*Footwear should be black flats.

The 3 girls who will be the "Lullabye League" should match, so please coordinate with other parents.

Please make sure that the girls' costumes do not resemble Dorothy in any way (no blue and white check shirts or skirts; no red shoes).

For the Coroner, follow the same list for the boys/girls, but all clothing and footwear should be black.

We may be adding accessories (such as suspenders, bow ties/neckties, wacky hats, vests, scarves) but we will send those details along after the holiday break. (If you see good, inexpensive sources for these items during your travels, please pass along the information. We appreciate the help!)

We on the production staff wish you a Happy Holiday Season and look forward to working with you over the upcoming months.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

So you want to be a Winkie?

Our Journey down the Yellow Brick Road is under three months away and it’s time to roll out another amazing opportunity for our APCSD community!

The Off-Broadway Players are inviting any interested faculty, staff, administrators, board members, and members of the APEF to become Winkies in our March production of WOz.  In case you don’t remember, the Winkies are the people enslaved by the Wicked Witch of the West who chant “Yoo-Hee-Ho!  Yo-Ho!” as they march.  Since they are an army, we can use lots of them.  We would especially love for elementary faculty and principals to join us on the days their third graders are performing as Munchkins.

There are few details to keep in mind.  Potential Winkies will need to provide their own long grey or black coat and a pair of dark, preferably black boots.  We also need pole arms, oversize fur hats for the Winkies, and a red collar appliqués that we can drape over your coat’s collar, so volunteers to help gather materials and make them are a necessity.  Finally, you must be willing to wear blue Winkie make-up.  If you have sensitive skin,  you should probably bring your own, but we will be trying out an airbrush system for most folks.

Winkie groups will need to come to at least two Act II rehearsals to learn the part.  We have a total of six shows, so you can perform in from just one up to all six.  The rehearsal schedule and show schedule are available on line at

If you would like to join us please do the following:
  • Ask around your school or team to assemble a list of everyone who is interested
  • Appoint a member to be a Winkie sergeant
  • Decide which Act II rehearsals you would like to attend and in which shows you would like to appear.  Also select at least one of the full rehearsal runs from March 7-10.
  • Have the group sergeant e-mail me at APHS with the list of names and dates
  • Please have sergeants contact me by January 14 with your full information
  • We will send out sewing/construction requests for groups around the 18th of January

And remember, your lines are “Yoo-Hee-Ho!  Yo-Ho!”

Matt McKeeby

Costume designs!

Check the images below to see some great character/costume ideas from our designer.  These are ready to start, so if you want to dive in on one, contact our costume coordinator Mrs. Lossi care of  Professor marvel here at the blog!

Monday, December 13, 2010

WOz Vocal Rehearsals Resume Tuesday 12/14

With the completion of Winter One-Acts, its time to get back to WOz.

Chorus and principals will work with Ms. Manna on Tuesday 12/14 starting at 2:40 on the following numbers:

Merry Old Land of Oz

Munchkin Musical sequence



In addition, Ms. Manna will be making preliminary selections for the trees and the crows.

If you are not in those numbers you do not need to attend. Please note that all principals should have already seen Ms. Manna to schedule individual time with her. Only two of you have.

Our next get together, and the last one before Holiday break, will be 12/21. The full rehearsal schedule will be provided that day.
Remember that everyone should be off book when we get back in January!