Tuesday, December 21, 2010

So you want to be a Winkie?

Our Journey down the Yellow Brick Road is under three months away and it’s time to roll out another amazing opportunity for our APCSD community!

The Off-Broadway Players are inviting any interested faculty, staff, administrators, board members, and members of the APEF to become Winkies in our March production of WOz.  In case you don’t remember, the Winkies are the people enslaved by the Wicked Witch of the West who chant “Yoo-Hee-Ho!  Yo-Ho!” as they march.  Since they are an army, we can use lots of them.  We would especially love for elementary faculty and principals to join us on the days their third graders are performing as Munchkins.

There are few details to keep in mind.  Potential Winkies will need to provide their own long grey or black coat and a pair of dark, preferably black boots.  We also need pole arms, oversize fur hats for the Winkies, and a red collar appliqués that we can drape over your coat’s collar, so volunteers to help gather materials and make them are a necessity.  Finally, you must be willing to wear blue Winkie make-up.  If you have sensitive skin,  you should probably bring your own, but we will be trying out an airbrush system for most folks.

Winkie groups will need to come to at least two Act II rehearsals to learn the part.  We have a total of six shows, so you can perform in from just one up to all six.  The rehearsal schedule and show schedule are available on line at aphswoz.blogspot.com.

If you would like to join us please do the following:
  • Ask around your school or team to assemble a list of everyone who is interested
  • Appoint a member to be a Winkie sergeant
  • Decide which Act II rehearsals you would like to attend and in which shows you would like to appear.  Also select at least one of the full rehearsal runs from March 7-10.
  • Have the group sergeant e-mail me at APHS with the list of names and dates
  • Please have sergeants contact me by January 14 with your full information
  • We will send out sewing/construction requests for groups around the 18th of January

And remember, your lines are “Yoo-Hee-Ho!  Yo-Ho!”

Matt McKeeby

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