Friday, October 29, 2010


 Here is the biggest news yet posted on the Yellow Brick Road!

The cast list doesn't include all the production staff, puppeteers, designers, technicians, and others who have already put in two months of work behind the scenes.  We appreciate your help, and will have some spotlight articles on you in the months to come.

Here it is folks:
Wizard of Oz Cast

Thank you to everyone who came out! We found a spot for everyone who came to both days of auditions. If you don’t find your name on the cast list below, please see Mr. McKeeby on Monday and he will let you know where you fit.  Understudies will play the principal parts for the 3/19 matinee, principals will perform with the chorus on that night.  (u) indicates the understudy; all understudies are in the chorus as well.                       

Dorothy Gale -Kelly Moak, Katie Macari (u)

Toto -OliviaDowns, Sarah Lossi (u)

Aunt Em - Alison Schaefer

Uncle Henry/Emerald City Guard - Matt McFadden

Zeke/Cowardly Lion (this role evenly split)Aileen O'Brien, AnthonyRaus

Hickory/Tin Woodsman   -Evan Flynn

Hunk/Scarecrow  -Peter Keller

Miss Almira Gulch /Wicked Witch of the West  Casey Madsen, HollyJansen(u)
Professor Chester Marvel/Wizard of Oz -Mr. Allen Kirk

Glinda-M. Benevento  M. Doscher(u)


Marissa Doscher, Kaylee Kannes, Emily Rosenberg, Meg Armlin, Maddie Falco, Myranda Berner, Sarah Lossi, Katie Macari, Chris Hough-Dean, Anna Scherer, Lauren Lyons, Krista Seeberger, Holly Jansen, Rachel Koch, Maddie Falco, Caitlin Hughes, Jordan Kennedy, John Lantz

Three Crows To be selected from the chorus above

Three Trees To be selected from the chorus above

Ozzians (Men, Women, Beauticians, Polishers, Manicurists) To be selected from chorus

Lion Groomer- Katie Gilligan
Ozzian, Forest & Monkey extras- Hannah Leffler, Abby Hollister, Maddie Carpenter
Munchkin Mayor Kammie Momrow

Munchkins- District third graders

Winkies District faculty & Staff

Winkie General Gordon Kaedy
Nikko (Monkey Commander) Caitlyn Sleasman

Jitterbug (Lead dancer)-Maddie Falco

Jitterbugs & Ghosts Chorus

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Call Back List / More Casting

A HUGE THANK YOU to everyone who came out for WOz and One-Acts!

Here is the good news: there will be a place for everyone in the cast and chorus of WOz and One-Acts!
It will, however, take us a few days to finalize the WOz cast.  We are having call backs for small group on Friday after school.  Everyone else needs to relax, and we ought to have the list finalized by Monday or Tuesday.

The call back list is:
Evan Flynn
Michele Benevento
Casey Madsen
Aileen O'Brien
Anthony Raus
Emilie Coutin
John Lantz

 We will meet at 2:30 in 172

Casting Update!

Thanks to all who joined us yesterday!  Vocals were great and there are some strong potentials for the cast.  Some of the principal parts will have understudies cast; the understudies will play the leads for the March 19 matinee, and the usual principals will work in the chorus that day.

We look forward to seeing all of you this afternoon.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Jitterbug steps for audition

For you all who came early to learn the dance and want to practice tonight, here are the steps from Ms. Horton and Ms. Childs:

The Jitterbug
Audition Piece

Kick front kick side (R) pas de boure

Repeat (L)

Fan kick R dig unwind

Step chasse step chasse

Drag R ball change drag L ball change

Chane step cut (arms)

Step scuff together

Dig step together

Shoulders up down x2

Pivot turn

Step chasse

Step L, R

Run to front

Chane x2

Step R

Dig L R L

Auditions Today and Tomorrow!

This is it folks!  Auditions are in the band room after school today for singing, and in the auditorium tomorrow for acting and dancing.  Remember that we are casting Winter One-acts at the same time, so if you want to be in one-acts, come out on Wednesday. 

There may be call-backs on Friday, or we may just be able to cast from the first round.  Either way, WOz cast lists will be posted by early next week.  One-acts directors should be at Wednesday's audition to see the readings and supply Mr. McKeeby with a wish-list for their cast by Thursday.  Production will cast one-acts from your wish lists.

Good Luck!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Audition Updates

Be sure to check the audition information in the 10/7 posting for the full story on auditions. Use the "view older posts" link below or the links on the right of the page.

Remember we are casting Winter One-acts and WOz at the same time. Those interested in just One-acts only need to come to auditions on Wednsday 10/27.

We have added If I Were King of the Forest to the audition songs. You only need to prepare one song. Yes, you can have your sheet music to sing from, though full control of the lyrics w/o the sheet is always impressive!

Be sure to have a ride home arranged. We can't guaratee to get folks out in time for late bus, so be prepared to carpool or call your folks for a ride.

What About Algonquin?

Middleschoolers are wondering about how WOz affects their annual show. The bottom line is that any student from Algonquin is welcome to audition for WOz, but if cast, can't do both shows. That means that everyone has a choice. Ms. Tonkin at the middle school will have audition tracks, and anyone auditoning will need to come both Tuesday 10/26 to sing and Wednesday 10/27 to act and dance.

We do ask, however, that you be sure of your committment. It is rude to audition, get a part, and then decide to do something else. When you do that it hurts the entire show and can give you the reputation of being unreliable.

Audition Tracks are Here!

The audition tracks are here and you can sign out a set in rm. 172. We've added "If I Were King of the Forest" to the numbers for audition. You only need to prepare ONE on the songs, not all three. I will send two copies down to Algonquin for folks down there to share, Ms. Tonkin will have them. Remember, auditions are just one week away!

Monday, October 18, 2010

Audition Tracks to Arrive Tuesday

We just received word that the audition tracks are scheduled to arrive on Tuesday. It will take a few hours to burn loaner copies, but they may be available by the end of the day. Please be supportive of each other by returning them promptly and sharing them! I'll have copies of the music available by this afternoon (Monday) if you need it. Otherwise, you can pick it up when you borrow a CD.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Give Us Your Old Stuff!

Building Oz will be fun, but we need materials to do it. If you have items that will be helpful that you can donate, we would appreciate it. Among the items we are looking for are:
Blue and pink construction/insulation foam and other large foam blocks
fake fur
Old baby dolls (for flying monkey puppets; I know it sounds disturbing, but they will be really cool, we promise.)
1/2" through 1" PVC pipe
1/4" luan plywood
Gaudy costume materials
Dark colored long coats for Winkie uniforms
Old frames from backpacks

On another note, if anyone out there reading this wants to help head up a construction or costume team, let me know!

Audition Tracks to Arrive Soon!

We're still waiting for the music to arrive for auditions; I'll put a fresh post up here as soon as it's available. When we have it, you may sign it out overnight only. We may add the "King of the Forest" number to the audition numbers, so if you like that or it fits your range, let me know.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

More from Wizard of Design Logan Kline!

Don't you just hate it when trees throw apples at you? We know the WOz cast will, too. Still, it will be awfully fun to play an anthropomorphic apple tree, especially if we can make these ones come to life!
If you have design and construction ideas please join us on Wednesday 10/13 in HS 172. We need your help!

Munchkinland Design Preview!

We couldn't be any more excited to share a small preview of Logan Kline's WOz sketchbook! You're looking at preliminary drawings of munchkin city hall and munchkin houses. These will be constructed in low relief on rolling wagons on the stage. While we have lots of student help lined up to build, we're hoping to have some parents join us, so please contact Mr. McKeeby at if you would like to join us.

We need donations of construction materials and paint. If you have any blue or pink foam insulation around, or good latex paint, let us know.

Thursday, October 7, 2010


It's what you've been waiting for! Audition dates are set. As most of you know, WOz will follow our Winter One-Acts, a charity benefit performance for the county EOC. Since the two productions will be overlapping we will be casting them simultaneously. The dates will be October 26 & 27, with Friday the 29th reserved for call-backs should we need them.

Here's how it will work:
There will be an information meeting on Thursday 10/14 in HS 172. We will review expectations at the meeting, and hopefully have the accompaniment CDs available for practice. Students will need to prepare either "Over the Rainbow" or "If I Only had a Brain." Karaoke CDs matched to the show music will be available for you to borrow on an overnight only basis. You can use these to practice for the audition. By using the same CD and songs we are working to ensure an absolutely equal opportunity for everyone.

Tuesday, October 26 will be vocal auditions in the band room. They will begin at 2:30 and run until everyone is done, possibly until after 4pm. You may or may not be asked to sing the entire song. Don't be insulted if you sing a bit and we let you know we have a good sense of your skill level.

Wednesday, October 27 will be reading and dance day. A scene will be provided for small groups to perform at the audition. You'll have a few minutes to go over it and them be asked to perform it. In addition you may be asked to show you ability to move on stage in the manner of an animal such as a lion or monkey, or an artifical being like a scarecrow or tin man. After the reading, groups will be asked to learn a short dance from one of our choreographers and then perform it. Students auditioning for Winter One-Acts only will read the scene and do the motion activites.

Friday, October 29 will be a call back day, by invitation or arrangement only.

The Cast list will be posted by November 3rd.


Q: I don't like the key of the songs; can we change them?
A: No.

Q: I'll be on vacation that week; can I come in earlier or later?
A: No. In some cases we can work you into the call back day, but only by advance arrangement.

Q: I only want to be in One-Acts. Do I need to come both days?
A: No, you can just come on the 27th. That said, the stress of the audition process is a valaubale learning experience, so I encourage everyone to come both days.

Q: Can I make the late bus?
A: If you cannot get a ride, we will do our best to accommodate you, but remember, rehearsals will be running after late buses so you will need to be able to get rides.

Q: I have to babysit, or work, or go to sports practice after school, but still want to be in the show. How can I do both?
A: You can't. There will be many design, construction, painting, and promotional opportunities that will have flexible scheduling, but performance on stage or in the pit orchestra will require your full attention.

Q: How will the fact that I'm a freshman (or a boy) (or a girl) (or tall) (or short) (or whatever else) affect my chance of getting a role?
A: Casting will hinge on ability, effort, and responsibility. Your age, gender, and other characteristics take a back seat. We love the chance to make unusual casting choices. Can the Lion, Scarecrow, or Tin Man be a woman? Why not? This is our show, not a mere copy of the movie. Could Dorothy be a boy? Well, that's less likely but never entirely out of the question.

It's true that students who have more experience and a proven ability to work well with others do have a bit of a leg up, but that is the way the world works. If you use that as an excuse not to give it a try, you are only hurting yourself in the long run.

Please contact Professor marvel here on the WOzblog or Mr. McKeeby at the High School if you have questions.


A note from musical director Mr. Zaffuts

Throughout the show music is written in 11 of the twelve key signatures. You need to feel comfortable in these keys (as in know how to play the scale).

Woodwind and string parts require fast sixteenth note or sextuplet playing.

It is important that your sense of pitch (intonation) is strong and you have the technique required to perform the faster rhythms.

First thing you want to do is make sure you have cleared the performance and dress rehearsal dates on your calendar.


Working backwards:

Performance dates:
Friday, March 11 evening
Saturday, March 12 matinee
Saturday, March 12 evening

Friday, March 18 evening
Saturday, March 19 matinee
Saturday, March 19 evening

Dress Reherarsals:
M-Th March 7-10 after school till finished (could be 5:30 p.m. or later)
M-Th March 14-17 after school till finished

Regular Rehearsals:
January – March 4 after school for around 90 minutes…some days more some days less depending on scheduling with cast.

Early November until holiday break – after school a couple days each week between
60-90 minutes.

See Mr. Zaffuts for more info!

Munchkin Casting Soon!

Hello all-

This is the first of a series of notes that will no doubt continue through the production. This one outlines Munchkin plans and scheduling. If there is a question, problem or reason dates won’t work, or any other issue please let me know!

1. What will the Munchkin group need to do?

The munchkins will appear in the “Munchkin Musical sequence” a number that includes “Ding Dong the Witch is Dead, We Welcome you to Munchkinland, and Follow the Yellow Brick Road.” In addition, we would like them to be poppies and snowflakes which can include then singing a chorus of Glinda’s song. Alternately, that bit can be done by ensemble HS kids.

2. Who gets to be a munchkin?

Based on our previous meeting the elem. Music folks feel 3rd graders are the right group for the job. Limiting factors include parents’ ability to provide transportation, family scheduling, etc. We can reasonably fit in the neighborhood of 30 munchkin students (give or take) on stage. The hope is scheduling restrictions will naturally limit the group to the size we need. In the event there is bigger interest, we will have an audition and the Director and HS production staff will choose the munchkins.

3. What about the Coroner, Mayor, etc.?

We leave this to the elementary teachers to decide who the strongest performers are. Should the teachers be uncomfortable making the call, the director and HS production staff will.

4. What is the schedule?

This is in three phases:

A. After we have identified the munchkins, we will send HS ‘munchkin wranglers’ to each of the elementary schools one day each week for a dance/singing session with the kids. Elem music teachers will need to assist/supervise this process. This will begin after the Thanksgiving break for a total of six sessions with each school.

B. Starting after regents week we will need each school’s munchkin group to come to the HS once to work on the stage with cast and pit band. The current tentative dates are MH- 2/2, WSL-2/9, and Poes. 2/16, all Wednesdays. HS students will continue to do one session each week with the groups not visiting the HS.

C. March is just two weeks from the shows! That means we will be doing full run-throughs on the HS stage. We would like to do them in the proper running order of the show. We'll work with transporatation to get a bus set up. Schools will alternate days, WSL first, then Poestenkill, then MH-SL.

5. What days will the HS students come to each elementary?

The plan is to have them out on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. We can change that as necessary, or to fit schedules. Which day will be used for which school is to be determined.

6. When do we cast?

The HS will cast 10/26-10/28. The elementary groups will need to be organized by Thanksgiving at the elementary music teacher’s discretion

7. What about permission slips, etc.?

We have yet to draw these up; any help will be appreciated.