Friday, October 15, 2010

Give Us Your Old Stuff!

Building Oz will be fun, but we need materials to do it. If you have items that will be helpful that you can donate, we would appreciate it. Among the items we are looking for are:
Blue and pink construction/insulation foam and other large foam blocks
fake fur
Old baby dolls (for flying monkey puppets; I know it sounds disturbing, but they will be really cool, we promise.)
1/2" through 1" PVC pipe
1/4" luan plywood
Gaudy costume materials
Dark colored long coats for Winkie uniforms
Old frames from backpacks

On another note, if anyone out there reading this wants to help head up a construction or costume team, let me know!


  1. I would LOVE to help with costumes! If you need, I could head up the costume team as well. I am pretty handy with power tools, and would be willing to help with constructing the set!

  2. Thanks Erin! I'll be in touch with you early next week.
