Thursday, October 7, 2010


A note from musical director Mr. Zaffuts

Throughout the show music is written in 11 of the twelve key signatures. You need to feel comfortable in these keys (as in know how to play the scale).

Woodwind and string parts require fast sixteenth note or sextuplet playing.

It is important that your sense of pitch (intonation) is strong and you have the technique required to perform the faster rhythms.

First thing you want to do is make sure you have cleared the performance and dress rehearsal dates on your calendar.


Working backwards:

Performance dates:
Friday, March 11 evening
Saturday, March 12 matinee
Saturday, March 12 evening

Friday, March 18 evening
Saturday, March 19 matinee
Saturday, March 19 evening

Dress Reherarsals:
M-Th March 7-10 after school till finished (could be 5:30 p.m. or later)
M-Th March 14-17 after school till finished

Regular Rehearsals:
January – March 4 after school for around 90 minutes…some days more some days less depending on scheduling with cast.

Early November until holiday break – after school a couple days each week between
60-90 minutes.

See Mr. Zaffuts for more info!

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