Thursday, October 7, 2010


It's what you've been waiting for! Audition dates are set. As most of you know, WOz will follow our Winter One-Acts, a charity benefit performance for the county EOC. Since the two productions will be overlapping we will be casting them simultaneously. The dates will be October 26 & 27, with Friday the 29th reserved for call-backs should we need them.

Here's how it will work:
There will be an information meeting on Thursday 10/14 in HS 172. We will review expectations at the meeting, and hopefully have the accompaniment CDs available for practice. Students will need to prepare either "Over the Rainbow" or "If I Only had a Brain." Karaoke CDs matched to the show music will be available for you to borrow on an overnight only basis. You can use these to practice for the audition. By using the same CD and songs we are working to ensure an absolutely equal opportunity for everyone.

Tuesday, October 26 will be vocal auditions in the band room. They will begin at 2:30 and run until everyone is done, possibly until after 4pm. You may or may not be asked to sing the entire song. Don't be insulted if you sing a bit and we let you know we have a good sense of your skill level.

Wednesday, October 27 will be reading and dance day. A scene will be provided for small groups to perform at the audition. You'll have a few minutes to go over it and them be asked to perform it. In addition you may be asked to show you ability to move on stage in the manner of an animal such as a lion or monkey, or an artifical being like a scarecrow or tin man. After the reading, groups will be asked to learn a short dance from one of our choreographers and then perform it. Students auditioning for Winter One-Acts only will read the scene and do the motion activites.

Friday, October 29 will be a call back day, by invitation or arrangement only.

The Cast list will be posted by November 3rd.


Q: I don't like the key of the songs; can we change them?
A: No.

Q: I'll be on vacation that week; can I come in earlier or later?
A: No. In some cases we can work you into the call back day, but only by advance arrangement.

Q: I only want to be in One-Acts. Do I need to come both days?
A: No, you can just come on the 27th. That said, the stress of the audition process is a valaubale learning experience, so I encourage everyone to come both days.

Q: Can I make the late bus?
A: If you cannot get a ride, we will do our best to accommodate you, but remember, rehearsals will be running after late buses so you will need to be able to get rides.

Q: I have to babysit, or work, or go to sports practice after school, but still want to be in the show. How can I do both?
A: You can't. There will be many design, construction, painting, and promotional opportunities that will have flexible scheduling, but performance on stage or in the pit orchestra will require your full attention.

Q: How will the fact that I'm a freshman (or a boy) (or a girl) (or tall) (or short) (or whatever else) affect my chance of getting a role?
A: Casting will hinge on ability, effort, and responsibility. Your age, gender, and other characteristics take a back seat. We love the chance to make unusual casting choices. Can the Lion, Scarecrow, or Tin Man be a woman? Why not? This is our show, not a mere copy of the movie. Could Dorothy be a boy? Well, that's less likely but never entirely out of the question.

It's true that students who have more experience and a proven ability to work well with others do have a bit of a leg up, but that is the way the world works. If you use that as an excuse not to give it a try, you are only hurting yourself in the long run.

Please contact Professor marvel here on the WOzblog or Mr. McKeeby at the High School if you have questions.


  1. Say for example, I am an alto and I'm auditioning for the lion, which is a baritone, well I still have a chance to get that role?

  2. In that case, if we get a baritone who can fill the role it would likely go to the baritone. Alternately, if we end up without a baritone, we will do what we need to do to fill the part.
