Thursday, October 7, 2010

Munchkin Casting Soon!

Hello all-

This is the first of a series of notes that will no doubt continue through the production. This one outlines Munchkin plans and scheduling. If there is a question, problem or reason dates won’t work, or any other issue please let me know!

1. What will the Munchkin group need to do?

The munchkins will appear in the “Munchkin Musical sequence” a number that includes “Ding Dong the Witch is Dead, We Welcome you to Munchkinland, and Follow the Yellow Brick Road.” In addition, we would like them to be poppies and snowflakes which can include then singing a chorus of Glinda’s song. Alternately, that bit can be done by ensemble HS kids.

2. Who gets to be a munchkin?

Based on our previous meeting the elem. Music folks feel 3rd graders are the right group for the job. Limiting factors include parents’ ability to provide transportation, family scheduling, etc. We can reasonably fit in the neighborhood of 30 munchkin students (give or take) on stage. The hope is scheduling restrictions will naturally limit the group to the size we need. In the event there is bigger interest, we will have an audition and the Director and HS production staff will choose the munchkins.

3. What about the Coroner, Mayor, etc.?

We leave this to the elementary teachers to decide who the strongest performers are. Should the teachers be uncomfortable making the call, the director and HS production staff will.

4. What is the schedule?

This is in three phases:

A. After we have identified the munchkins, we will send HS ‘munchkin wranglers’ to each of the elementary schools one day each week for a dance/singing session with the kids. Elem music teachers will need to assist/supervise this process. This will begin after the Thanksgiving break for a total of six sessions with each school.

B. Starting after regents week we will need each school’s munchkin group to come to the HS once to work on the stage with cast and pit band. The current tentative dates are MH- 2/2, WSL-2/9, and Poes. 2/16, all Wednesdays. HS students will continue to do one session each week with the groups not visiting the HS.

C. March is just two weeks from the shows! That means we will be doing full run-throughs on the HS stage. We would like to do them in the proper running order of the show. We'll work with transporatation to get a bus set up. Schools will alternate days, WSL first, then Poestenkill, then MH-SL.

5. What days will the HS students come to each elementary?

The plan is to have them out on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. We can change that as necessary, or to fit schedules. Which day will be used for which school is to be determined.

6. When do we cast?

The HS will cast 10/26-10/28. The elementary groups will need to be organized by Thanksgiving at the elementary music teacher’s discretion

7. What about permission slips, etc.?

We have yet to draw these up; any help will be appreciated.

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